How does social connection heart health?



Advice on heart health tends to focus on diet, exercise and (for those who need it) medication. But there’s one other vital element for good heart health: friendship.
The mind and the body are intimately linked. That means emotional wellbeing influences physical wellbeing and vice versa. Studies have shown that loneliness stresses the heart and the cardiovascular system. It’s a risk factor for heart disease just like high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
Building social connections improves physical and mental health. Spending time with family and friends is good on so many levels Supporting Young Hearts| Heart Foundation
Peer support can also be very helpful for people living with heart disease. Heartbeat Victoria runs several peer support groups across the state, helping people make connections with others living with heart disease Heart Victoria Highlights | Heart Foundation.


This article is for reference purposes only – it is not designed to be, nor should it be regarded, as professional medical advice. Please consult your own medical practitioner for health advice specific to your condition.

This article is for reference purposes only – it is not designed to be, nor should it be regarded, as professional medical advice.