Holter monitor

What is a Holter monitor?

A Holter monitor is a small device that will record your heart rate and rhythm while it is worn. It is used to detect abnormal heart rhythms which may be occurring when you experience symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations or irregular heart beats, dizziness, fainting etc.

How is the Holter Monitor procedure done?

  • Your skin will be prepared for the application of adhesive electrodes; which may include cleaning the skin and shaving of hair.
  • A small device with 5 wires and 5 electrodes will be attached to your chest.
  • Please note that the electrodes may sometimes leave a red mark on the skin once the monitor is removed. These marks typically resolve within a day or two. The procedure will take approximately 15-20 minutes. The technician will provide you with all the information necessary while fitting the monitor. The monitor will be removed at the clinic the following day at a specified time (the technician will advise you of the return time when you have the monitor fitted).
  • Please continue your usual activity whilst wearing the monitor.

How do I prepare for the test?

  • The device is not waterproof, therefore you will not be able to shower, bathe, swim or partake in any activity that may get the monitor wet whilst wearing it. For this reason, we recommend you shower before attending your appointment.
  • Do not use any lotions or powders on your chest area.
  • Please wear a two piece outfit with a loose fitting shirt or top.
  • Do not sleep with an electric blanket turned on.

When will I receive my results?

The formal report for the test will be available in approximately 10 business days after the monitor is removed. The results will be sent to your referring doctor for discussion. If you have an appointment with your doctor prior to this time, please advise the reception staff and the technician who fits the monitor.

What do I need to bring to my appointment?

Your referral from your GP or referring specialist (if it is not already held by us).