Jennifer was recently invited to speak at the Wise Well Women Program in Shepparton – a program arising through collaboration between Women’s Health Goulburn North East, Greater Shepparton Foundation, Upotiponpon Foundation, Ethnic Council of Shepparton and District, Project Partnerships and local health and community services agencies.
It was a great privilege for Jennifer to present a talk on “Heart Health” to this group of 12 women from diverse backgrounds, who were participating in training to become health educators within their own communities. The program has a particular focus on understanding the wide range of factors that impact upon refugee and migrant women’s health and wellbeing and how to navigate the Australian health care system and provide health promotion and education.
It was very clear during that talk that this was a driven and passionate group of women who were highly engaged with the program being delivered at St Paul’s African House. We look forward very much to seeing the positive impacts this health educator program will have within their communities in Shepparton.